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What Do Your Cravings Mean?

October 24, 2023 8 min read

What Do Your Cravings Mean?

Cravings are NOT just a matter of willpower, and they don’t mean anything about your character. If you crave foods, don’t feel bad – you are not alone! Before we talk about best supplements for sugar cravings, let's start with the why of sugar cravings and the certain foods and nutrition choices that might be adding to your sugar cravings. 


Common Craving Triggers & Solutions   


Think about those times when you suddenly crave a snack out of nowhere. It might just be your body's way of saying it needs a drink. Stay hydrated to avoid those sneaky food cravings. 

Lack of Sleep: 

We've all been there – tired and reaching for a bag of chips or a chocolate bar. Lack of sleep can make us seek quick energy fixes in food. Prioritize a good night's sleep to reduce these sugar cravings and food cravings. 

Excess Sugar Consumption: 

Sugar is like a double-edged sword – the more you have, the more you want. Break the cycle by reducing sugar intake gradually to improve blood sugar levels. 

Inadequate Protein Intake: 

Ever felt sluggish and suddenly craved a burger? Low protein levels can mess with your mood and leave you wanting comfort food. Include protein-rich foods in your diet to feel better. 

Alcohol-Induced Cravings: 

After a night of partying, that morning-after desire for greasy fast food might be familiar. Alcohol can mess with our mood, making us turn to food for comfort. Plus, it dehydrates us, triggering even more food cravings. 

Visual Triggers: 

Open your pantry, and there's that tempting bag of chips staring back at you. We've all been tempted by what we see. Try to keep those visual triggers out of sight to resist the urge to reach for those junk foods and processed foods. 

Emotional Triggers: 

Life throws various curveballs at us – stress, loneliness, procrastination, or just plain boredom. When these feelings hit, carb cravings and/or sugar cravings often follow. Find healthier ways to cope with these emotions to keep a healthy blood sugar balance. 

Read the Article:Reasons Behind Cravings and How To Fix Them 


The Gut & Sugar Cravings Connection: 

From clinical experience, we have found that sugar cravings are a biochemical imbalance and very often point to a need for balancing blood sugar in order to reduce sugar cravings. 

It might surprise you to learn that sugar wreaks havoc on your gut health. When you consume too much sugar, it triggers a chain reaction within your digestive system. 

Sugar interacts with your gut lining ➡️  Which leads to inflammation and disruptions in the delicate balance of your gut microbiome. ➡️  Which can compromise your gut's ability to absorb nutrients   ➡️  Which can effect your body's ability to support your immune system effectively.   ➡️   And can decrease your body's ability to create feel good neurotransmitters.   ➡️   And can increase the number of hot flashes (if you are experiencing menopause)   ➡️  and, the list of negative interactions could go on and on. 

Let's consider two health scenarios: 

Person A, who has been mindful of their daily sugar intake, and Person B, who hasn't given much thought to the high amount of daily sugar they consume. 

  • Over time, Person A's gut maintains its healthy state, fostering a diverse gut bacteria that aids digestion and supports overall health, wellness, and vitality. 
  • In contrast, Person B's gut becomes a battleground, with sugar-fueled inflammation paving the way for digestive discomfort, weakened immune health, and potential long-term health issues. 

Are you more like Person B than you would like and want to make changes? 

Good! But let's talk about cutting out sugar "cold turkey" versus a gradual sugar reduction... 

When you cut sugar out of your diet abruptly your body goes through several reactions and adjustments as it adapts. You may experience withdrawal symptoms, blood sugar fluctuations, dips in energy, intense cravings, and mood changes.  

Cutting out sugar cold turkey might work for some individuals, others may find these reactions too intense and find it more sustainable to gradually reduce sugar intake. 

3 simple steps to reduce daily sugar intake: 

  1. Read labels diligently: Be vigilant about hidden sugars in packaged & jarred foods and choose options with minimal added sugars. Check out thisIG Reel for help understanding sugar amounts on labels. 
  1. Swap sugary beverages: Replace sodas and energy drinks with water, teas, and infused water whenever possible.Try ourKey Greens & Fruit for a flavor and nutrient boost to your water without the added sugars. 
  1. Eat more protein: Protein, combined with all that good bacteria in your gut, will create neurotransmitters for you. Neurotransmitters, like serotonin, make you calm and give you a take-it-or-leave-it attitude towards most sugary foods.NutriKey protein powders are a great protein boost to add to your balanced diet! 

Food swaps that can help cut sugar without feeling deprived: 

  • Olives & Nuts instead of snack mixes. 
  • Veggies &Lil' Dipper dip instead of Queso & Chips. 
  • Dark chocolate instead of M & M's. 
  • Real Cream instead of creamers (or check the creamer options below). 


Our Nutritionist Recommended Best Supplements for Sugar Cravings 

Our supplements for sugar cravings are meticulously crafted to address the underlying causes of sugar cravings. These customer favorite supplements not only help curb sugar cravings but also empower you to make better food choices. 


  1. L-Glutamine

L-Glutamine, an amino acid, supports cells throughout the body and brain, is one of the most important nutrients the body needs, and one of our top supplements for sugar cravings. 

Regulate Energy Levels:  

L-Glutamine is known to help regulate blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar levels are stable, you're less likely to experience sudden drops in energy, which can trigger sugar cravings. By providing a steady source of energy and blood sugar control, L-Glutamine may help reduce the urge to reach for quick sources of sugar and give you sustained energy levels. 

Reduce Stress:  

Stress can often lead to emotional eating and cravings for comfort foods, including eating sugary snacks as a stress response. L-Glutamine might play a role in reducing stress by supporting the health of your gut and helping manage neurotransmitter balance, in turn helping you stave off cravings (like those after supper chocolate cravings!). 

Support Gut Health: 

L-Glutamine is important for maintaining the health of the cells lining your digestive tract. A healthy gut is linked to better digestion and nutrient absorption. When your body is properly nourished, it can help reduce cravings that might arise due to nutrient deficiencies. 

Control Cravings: 

At times, strong cravings for sugary treats can be challenging to manage. L-Glutamine intervenes by signaling your body's sufficient energy levels, assisting in keeping these sugar cravings under control. 

For this important amino acid, we’re lucky that all animal protein foods are great sources of glutamine. The long list includes beef, bison, chicken, fish, free-range eggs, grass-fed dairy, lamb, pork and turkey. 

However, if you or someone in your family isn’t eating sufficient amounts of animal protein and/or needs additional L-Glutamine, we recommend taking a glutamine supplement.  



If you experience digestive problems like bloating, have a weakened immune system due to age or health issues, or face chronic stress, Bifido Balance or Powder might help. 

Even if you're simply looking to stay healthy, Bifido could be part of your plan, complementing good nutrition. 

Support immune function: 

Bifidobacteria help by balancing immune responses, strengthening the gut barrier, producing immune-boosting compounds, competing with harmful microbes, and aiding in gut-immune communication. This combined effect promotes a robust immune system and contributes to overall health and wellness. 

Support mental health: 

Most are shocked to learn that probiotics are needed to make neurotransmitters (aka our feel good chemicals) as 70-80% of our neurotransmitters are actually made in our gut and healthy bacteria like bifidobacteria support this process. Supplementing with Bifido Balance or Powder along with eating a balanced diet can help support mental health. 

Support nutrient absorption: 

Bifidobacteria assists in absorbing nutrients from food by breaking down certain components, creating substances that the body can easily use. They also help in creating vitamins and sustaining a resilient gut.  

Stop sugar cravings: 

There are a few reasons behind sugar cravings, but one of the most common is insufficient neurotransmitters, which may be due to a lack of good beneficial bacteria. Bifido helps support the creation of neurotransmitters which, in turn, helps decrease sugar cravings.  

 Should I take Bifido Balance or Bifido Powder? 

Choosing between Bifido Balance or Bifido Powder form depends on your preference and comfort. If taking capsules before each meal isn't your preferred method, the powder offers a convenient alternative. Rather than a capsule, you can mix half a teaspoon of the powder with 4-8 ounces of room temperature water. This option ensures you still get the benefits in a way that suits you better.  

"We’ve seen several clients start supplementing with Bifido Balance (along with eating a balanced diet) and see their life-long cravings go away within weeks if not days."-Elizabeth Leppart, MS, LN 



5-HTP, or 5-Hydroxytryptophan, is a naturally occurring amino acid and the precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, sleep, and help provide appetite control. Here's a breakdown of what 5-HTP is and how it is related to serotonin: 

Amino Acid Precursor: 

5-HTP is derived from the amino acid tryptophan, which is commonly found in various foods. When you consume foods containing tryptophan, your body can convert it into 5-HTP through a series of enzymatic reactions. 

Some foods high in tryptophan include: 

  • Poultry: Turkey and chicken are known for being rich sources of tryptophan. This is why turkey is often associated with feeling sleepy after a Thanksgiving meal, although it's likely the combination of a heavy meal and other factors rather than just tryptophan alone. 
  • Fish: Certain types of fish, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut, are good sources of tryptophan. 
  • Nuts and Seeds: Certain nuts and seeds are also sources of tryptophan. Examples include pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and almonds. 

Serotonin Synthesis: 

Once 5-HTP is produced in the body, it is further converted into serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in regulating mood, anxiety, sleep, and appetite. It is often referred to as the "feel-good" neurotransmitter because of the influence serotonin levels have on mood and emotional well-being. 

Whole Body Support: 

Beyond its impact on mood and appetite, 5-HTP also provides support for other essential functions in your body. From healthy brain function and cardiovascular health to immunity health and inflammatory response, 5-HTP supports your overall health and wellness. 

Additionally, 5-HTP aids in metabolism, joint health, and mental and emotional wellness, giving you a comprehensive solution for your health needs. 

What to Expect: 

With regular use of 5-HTP, you can expect to experience fewer mood swings, reduced cravings, and improved sleep patterns. 

Important to Note: 

If you’re on an anti-depressant medication discuss 5-HTP with your medical provider before taking. 


Crave Control Plus 

✔️ Improve moods & lessen anxiety 

✔️ Increase energy 

✔️ Reduce cravings and addictive eating 

Three essential neurotransmitters. 

Crave Control Plus gives your body the building blocks for serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine and helps restore neurotransmitters to optimal levels. 

  • Low Serotonin can trigger hunger for food, especially sugar, breads and other simple carbohydrates. 
  • Low dopamine is associated with increased sugar cravings, lack of focus, and low motivation. 
  • Low norepinephrine can be indicated by intense cravings for chocolate and diet soda. 

Ingredients that support whole body support: 

  • 5-HTP: a building block for serotonin 
  • N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine: a building block for dopamine 
  • Vitamin C: helps to convert 5-HTP to serotonin 
  • Vitamin B-6: important for conversion of 5-HTP to serotonin 
  • Magnesium Glycinate & Citrate: alleviates tension, irritability, and promotes relaxation; supports healthy sleep patterns 
  • L-Phenylalanine: building block for norepinephrine 

Important to note: 

If you are taking prescription medications for depression, check with your health care provider before taking. 

Do you need a solution that you can put into practice to control your cravings? Lack of control over cravings is frustrating and painful. Listen in as we explain the source of cravings in order to better control them. We're sharing new tips beyond the ideas you've heard for years (that don't work anyways).  

Podcast Episode: How to Control Cravings and Compulsive Eating 
Listen Now